We are experiencing longer than average wait times for phone inquires; please be assured our teams are doing everything possible to answer your call. To help save time, please book online, using the red Book Now button – or click on the links below to jump to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Restaurant Hours | Banquet Requests | Job Applications

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Please review the following information as it pertains to Face Coverings and Destination Centre access at this time.
Face Coverings | Limited Access
Clean It Right 2020 Certified and Trained location.

Our mission is to serve the best Pizza, Pasta & Pints, with fast, friendly services and a smile.

At Aaltos, our mission is to serve fresh, authentic comfort food in a relaxed environment.


The Adventure Kids Club is a membership program designed specifically for kids and offers exclusive Kids Club promotions, contests and prizes!

Check out the New Pre-Game Pub Menu at The Metropolitan Entertainment Centre
The MET Promenade Lounge Menu

The MET Promenade Lounge Menu

The MET Beverage Menu

The MET Beverage Menu